
oral sefalosporin
hans zimmer`ın harika film müziklerine imza attığı bir christopher nolan filmi.
sahnelerde kullanılan müziklerin o sahneye gitmesi ayrı bir hava katması muazzam.

Film müziğinin bestecisi: Hans Zimmer
Yapımcılar: Emma Thomas, Lynda Obst, Christopher Nolan
Başrolde: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway

dream of the crash (3:55)
cornfield chase (2:06)
dust (5:41)
day one (3:19)
stay (6:52)
message from home (1:40)
the wormhole (1:30)
mountains (3:39)
afraid of time (2:32)
a place among the stars (3:27)
running out (1:57)
ı`m going home (5:48)
coward (8:26)
detach (6:42)
s.t.a.y. (6:23)
where we`re going (7:41)
first step (1:47)
flying drone (1:53)
atmospheric entry (1:40)
no need to come back (4:32)
ımperfect lock (6:54)
what happens now? (2:26)
do not go gentle ınto that good night (1:39)
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