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heaven and hell

çıt çıkmayacak ulan
Ozzy Osbourne`ün Black Sabbath`tan ayrılışından sonra, Ronnie James Dio ile çıkan ilk albümün çıkış parçasıdır.

Sing me a song, you`re a singer
Do me a wrong, you`re a bringer of evil
The Devil is never a maker
The less that you give, you`re a taker
So it`s on and on and on`s Heaven and Hell, oh well

The lover of life`s not a sinner
The ending is just a beginner
The closer you get to the meaning
The sooner you`ll know that you`re dreaming
So it`s on and on and on
Oh it`s on and on and on
It goes on and on and on, Heaven and Hell
I can tell, fool, fool!

Well, if it seems to be real, it`s illusion
For every moment of truth, there`s confusion in life
Love can be seen as the answer
But nobody bleeds for the dancer
And it`s on and on, on and on and on....

They say that life`s a carousel
Spinning fast, you`ve got to ride it well
The world is full of Kings and Queens
Who blind your eyes then steal your dreams`s Heaven and Hell, oh well

And they`ll tell you black is really white
The moon is just the sun at night
And when you walk in golden halls
You get to keep the gold that falls
It`s Heaven and Hell

No no fool, fool!
You got to bleed for the dancer!
Fool, fool, look for the answer!
Fool, fool, fool!


çıt çıkmayacak ulan
Notaların ses ve sürelerine dikkat edilerek okunmasıdır. Konservatuar planı yapanların ders alması tavsiye edilir. Lakin enstrüman eğitimi almak istense dahi, yetenek sınavında öncelik bu konuda tutulmaktadır.

turn up the night

çıt çıkmayacak ulan
black sabbath`ın mob rules albümünden sololarıyla çılgın atan bir parçadır. solisti ronnie james dio`dur.

A rumble of thunder
I`m suddenly younger
It`s your spell
No rhyme or reason
Or time of the season
Know it full well

The tongue can`t deliver
I shake and I shiver
Down your soul
You know what you cover
I think for another
It`s a story told
So get a good hold, yeah!

A whistle of voodoo
You thought that you knew who you are
A sep`rate equation,
A pencil relation,
The past gone too far
A time of suspicion
A special condition
That we all know
So let it all go, yeah!

Turn up the night
Turn up the night
Turn up the night
It feels so right

Night time sorrow
Taken like the plane
Black will never come out
Lies for the same
Evil lurks in twilight
Dances in the dark
Makes you need the movement
Like a fire
Needs a spark to burn!

Got to turn up the night
Turn up the night,
Turn up the night,
It feels so right!
Turn up the night

the temple of the king

çıt çıkmayacak ulan
rainbow grubuna ait ronnie james dio`nun solistliğini yaptığı efsaneleşmiş parçadır.

one day in the year of the fox
came a time remembered well
when the strong young man of the rising sun
heard the tolling of the great black bell

one day in the year of the fox
when the bell began to ring
meant the time had cometh
for one to go
to the temple of the king

there in the middle of the circle he stands
searching, seeking
with just one touch of his trembling hand
the answer will be found

daylight waits while the old man sings
heaven help me
and then like the rush of a thousand wings
it shines upon the one
and the day had just begun

one day in the year of the fox
came a time remembered well
when the strong young man of the rising sun
heard the tolling of the great black bell

one day in the year of the fox
when the bell began to sing
it meant the time had cometh
for one to go
to the temple of the king

there in the middle of the people
he stands
seeing, feeling
with just a wave of a strong right hand
he`s gone
to the temple of the king

far from the circle at the edge of the world
he`s hoping, wondering
thinking back from the stories he`s heard
of what he`s going to see

there in middle of the circle it lies
heaven help me
then all could see by the shine in his eyes
the answer had been found

back with the people in the circle
he stands
giving, feeling
with just one touch of a strong right hand
they know
of the temple and the king

god was never on your side

çıt çıkmayacak ulan
motörhead`in 2006`da çıkardığı kiss of death albümünden harika bir parçadır. Lemmy`nin solistliği tüyleri diken diken eder.

If the stars fall down on me,
And the sun refused to shine,
Then may the shackles be undone,
May all the old words cease to rhyme,
If the sky turned into stone,
It will matter not at all,
For there is no heaven in the sky,
Hell does not wait for our downfall!

Let the voice of reason chime,
Let the friars vanish for all time,
God`s face is hidden, all unseen,
You can`t ask him,
What it all means,
He was never on your side,
God was never on your side,
Let right or wrong alone decide,
God was never on your side.

See ten thousand ministries,
See the holy, righteous dogs,
They claim to heal,
But all they do is steal,
Abuse your faith,
Cheat and rob,

If god is wise,
Why is he still,
When these false prophets,
Call him friend,
Why is he silent,
Is he blind?!
Are we abandoned in the end?

Let the sword of reason shine,
Let us be free of prayer and shrine,
God`s face is hidden, turned way,
He never has a word to say,
He was never on your side,
God was never on your side,
Let right or wrong alone decide!
God was never on your side!
No, no, no!

He was never on your side,
God was never on your side,
Never on your side!
Never on your side!
God was never on your side,
Never on your side...


çıt çıkmayacak ulan
22 topla oynanan bilardo oyunudur. 15 kırmızı 6 renkli top vardır. oyunun amacı çuha kaplı masadaki altı deliğe isteka kullanarak (1 kırmızı 1 renkli sırasıyla) masayı temizlemektir. kırmızı toplar bitene kadar, renkli toplar atıldıktan sonra belirlenmiş yerlerine konulur. oyun sonu en çok puan elde eden o eli kazanır.

bisiklet yolu

çıt çıkmayacak ulan
bisikletliler için, yaya yolundan ve araç trafiğinden arındırılmış (!) yoldur.

buna inat hala ailecek bisiklet yolundan yürümeye inanmış insanların olması sinir bozucu. bir de bunların ısrarla o yolda bisikletliye yol vermeyenleri var ki... (u: ya ben lan neyse bir şey demiyorum)


çıt çıkmayacak ulan
gitarda 6. telin 5. perdesi ve 17. perdesi, 5. tel (boş) ve 12. perdesi, 4. telin 7. perdesi, 3. telin 2. perdesi ve 14. perdesi, 2. telin 10. perdesi, 1. telin 5. perdesi ve 17. perdesinde bulunan notadır.
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